New Equine Association set up to govern after hours facility use
Published 5:00 am Monday, July 23, 2007
Horse riding after hours at the Lincoln County Multi-PurposeComplex may have become easier with the creation of the EquineAssociation.
The Equine Association, which is governed by the commission thatoversees the complex, began recruiting Thursday and will becomeactive beginning Aug. 1.
“After Aug. 1, you will have to be a member to use the arenaafter 5 p.m.,” said Quinn Jordan, complex manager. “It’s really anextension of our after hours riding program.”
Arrangements to use the public arena have always been ratherchaotic, Jordan said, and the commission chose to organize thoseactivities through the creation of a “club.”
Although the arena is free for all to use daily from 8 a.m. to 5p.m., membership in the association entitles free use of the arenafrom 5 p.m. to midnight with certain restrictions. Only memberswill be entitled to use the arena after hours, Jordan said.
Certain disciplines get priority for each night based onschedule of events, he said. People participating in that day’sdiscipline have until 4 p.m. to confirm their intentions and signan after hours contract at the complex.
Should no one from that discipline reserve the complex before 4p.m., Jordan said, participants of any discipline have until 4:30p.m. to reserve the arena.
Under the new after hours schedule, Western Pleasure will havepriority on Monday nights with timed events on Tuesday, Thursdayand Friday. Cattle events have priority on Wednesday, Saturday andSunday.
Reservations for the facility, except for events, cannot be mademore than a day in advance, Jordan said.
“You can only ask to extend the hours on that day,” he said.”You can’t do it a day or more in advance.”
Jordan said that would ensure the integrity of the after hoursriding schedule and gives everyone the same opportunity to reservethe facility the night they need it.
Members of the Equine Association will be given a numberedmembership card. Annual membership in the club is $25 per adult and$12.50 for youth and is valid from January to December. Membershipsthis year will not be prorated, he said.
“It’s not enough money to really make a profit, but it does makethem feel more like they’re a part of this facility – that theyhave an investment in the success and care of this facility,”Jordan said.
Members will be responsible for the facility when riding afterhours. An additional charge of $60 will only be assessed if riderschoose to ride after dark and turn on the lights.
“If they only want to ride until dark, they will not be chargedthat fee,” Jordan said.
Abuse of the privileges of membership can result in an immediaterevocation of membership, he said.
Visitors are allowed one free visit to determine if they wish tojoin the association, Jordan said.
The organization began recruiting members and “already has ahalf-dozen members. It’s open-ended so riders can join anytime.”
The new members are all barrel racers, Jordan said, but hebelieves there will be more diversity as word of the associationspreads.
Membership forms are available at Co-Lin Feed and Seed,Brookhaven Milling, Rushing Shoe Store, Farmbelt Equipment, AnimalMedical Center and the Lincoln County Multi-Purpose Complex, hesaid.