West the best in fastpitch
Published 5:00 am Monday, May 21, 2007
North Pike senior Catherine West amassed impressive statisticson the softball field and in the classroom. As a pitcher, Westcompiled a 13-3 record, striking out 188 batters in 107 innings andallowing just 21 walks. She posted a remarkable 0.13 ERA.
Offensively, the red-headed West batted .354. She ranked No. 4among North Pike’s seniors in academic prowess.
For her performance, West has been selected The DAILY LEADER’sMiss Softball and Most Valuable Player on the 2007 All-AreaFastpitch Softball Team. She is the 18-year-old daughter of theRev. Ron and Paula West.
A right-hander, West is joined on the DL’s pitching staff byMost Valuable Defensive Player Terri Hodges of Brookhaven andBrooke Delaughter of Loyd Star.
The Dream Team catchers are Maggie Dunaway of North Pike, KatieStewart of Brookhaven, Haley Sones of Loyd Star and Candace Avantsof Bogue Chitto.
The infield consists of West Lincoln’s Holli Smith, North Pike’sKaitlin Perry and Leonna Ballard, Brookhaven’s Sabrina Delaughterand Bogue Chitto’s Dori Hall.
In the outfield, Kacey Rutland of Brookhaven Academy, MoneaCameron of Franklin County and Hannah King and Alexandria Harris ofLawrence County are the selections.
The all-purpose player is Ashley Jones of Lawrence County, namedthe DL’s Most Valuable Offensive Player. Utility players areMelissa McFarland of Franklin County and Becca Boone of CopiahAcademy. Designated hitters are Chelsey Miller of Bogue Chitto,Lindsey Clark of Parklane Academy and Heather Huff of WestLincoln.
The Dream Team was compiled by members of the DL SportsDepartment, with input provided by area high school and collegecoaches.
West, a 5-foot-9 hurler, has an arsenal of four pitches:changeup, fastball, dropball and rise ball. She usually starts withan outside fastball. She had a season-high 18 strikeouts versusBrookhaven.
“My favorite pitch is my dropball,” said West. “Batters don’thit it.” She began pitching in the seventh grade.
She said Loyd Star’s battery provided a strong challenge thisseason. “Loyd Star is pretty consistent hitting. I only had a fewstrikeouts against them.”
The Lady Jaguars were upset in the first round of the Class 3Astate playoffs, falling to Richland. North Pike had dominated thedivision race and defeated most of its opponents.
West complimented her teammates. “My defense was great. When itcame time to make plays, they always did.”
She said her catcher, Maggie Dunaway, did an outstanding jobbehind the plate. “Maggie is responsible for a lot of mystrikeouts.”
Undecided on her major and her future college, West said sheenjoys biology and science. Chemistry is her favorite subject.
North Pike softball coach Sonya Wallace praised West. “Catherineis a great role model on the field and in the classroom. Shelistens well and works hard to improve her pitching. She is one ofthe top students in our graduating class.”
Likewise, West praised Wallace. “She is the best coach. I willmiss her coaching style. She encourages me and I performbetter.”
Terri Hodges was a catalyst in Brookhaven’ssuccess. She inherited the pitching job from all-star hurler AshleySykes who signed with Copiah-Lincoln Community College.
“Terri is very team oriented,” said Ole Brook coach Chad Walker.”She tries to be the best that she can be. She’s a very competitivepitcher and has good placement.”
Hodges compiled a 17-9 record, leading the Lady Panthers to arunners-up finish to Lawrence County in the division race. Shecompiled a 1.68 ERA. She accounted for 180 strikeouts and 39walks.
Walker said Hodges’ fastball has been clocked at 54 miles perhour. At the plate, Hodges batted .406.
“At bat, Terri is very selective,” said Walker.
Hodges said her riseball is her favorite pitch. She also throwsa fastball and a changeup.
“I get a lot of strikeouts with my riseball,” said Hodges. “Itlooks straight and then it pops up and makes them swing.”
She had season-high strikeout totals of 16 versus FranklinCounty and McComb.
Hodges said she enjoys pitching. “You are in the middle of thefield and you are in control of things. You strike people out tohelp your team.”
She said her favorite memory of the season was beatingpowerhouse North Pike in the Ole Brook Classic. There was a9-inning win over West Lincoln which also pleased her.
Asked about her team’s toughest opponent, she pointed todivision rival Lawrence County. “They are our rivals. We have tobeat them to win the division.”
Hodges praised her catcher, Katie Stewart. “My catcher did agreat job. Katie made a lot of my bad pitches look good.”
Her favorite subject is math.
Hodges said she enjoyed playing for Coach Walker who was in hisfirst year at the helm. “He handled things great. He knew what hewas doing and he did a great job.”
Ashley Jones, either on the mound or at theplate, made a major impact in Lawrence County’s march to thedivision championship and the 4A state playoffs. She has signed asoftball scholarship with Copiah-Lincoln Community College.
On the mound, Jones compiled a 15-14-1 worksheet. At the plate,she batted .414, accounting for 24 RBIs and 1 home run.
Jones, 5-foot-3, said she uses an Easton Energy bat, weighing 22ounces and measuring 32 inches in length.
Jones said she began pitching as a sophomore. “I enjoy playingfor Coach (Beronica) Stringfellow. She does a great job.”
Stringfellow said Jones was dedicated to improving her softballskills. “Ashley works hard. She has a great attitude and is a goodleader on the field.”
Jones said her teammates helped her achieve success. “I couldn’thave done it without them.”
Brook Delaughter, a freshman, posted a 15-10record for the Loyd Star Lady Hornets. She struck out 186 battersand walked 58, compiling a 2.96 ERA.
Haley Sones, a sophomore, batted .338 for CoachJan Delaughter’s team. She had 16 RBIs.
Maggie Dunaway, a junior, batted .391 for theLady Jaguars, claiming 28 RBIs.
Katie Stewart, a junior, batted .418 for theLady Panthers.
Candace Avants, a senior, batted .357 for CoachScott Leggett’s Bogue Chitto Lady ‘Cats.
Holli Smith, a junior, batted .452 for WestLincoln’s Lady Bears. She had 18 RBIs for Coach Andrew Redd’steam.
Leonna Ballard, a senior, batted .321 for NorthPike.
Sabrina Delaughter, a sophomore, batted .353for Ole Brook.
Kaitlin Perry, a junior, batted .369 for NorthPike
Dori Hall, a senior, batted .322 for BogueChitto.
Monea Cameron, a junior, batted .333 for CoachDana Smith’s Franklin County Lady Bulldogs. She had 18 stolenbases.
Alexandria Harris, an eighth grader, batted.458 for Lawrence County.
Hannah King, a junior, batted .412 for the LCHSLady Cougars.
Kacey Rutland, a senior, batted .342 for CoachRicky Allen’s Brookhaven Academy Lady Cougars. She hit 3homers.
Chelsey Miller, a senior, batted .350 for BogueChitto.
Heather Huff, a senior, batted .397 for WestLincoln. She had 16 RBIs.
Lindsey Clark, a junior, batted .617 for CoachDwight Stockton’s Parklane Academy Lady Pioneers. She hit 10homers.
Becca Boone, a senior, batted .373 for CoachTerry Bauer’s Copiah Academy Lady Colonels.
Melissa McFarland, a junior, batted .333 forFranklin County. On the mound, she compiled an 11-11 record,notching 150 strikeouts.
Bogue Chitto: Devon Welch, LaToya Braxton,Kelli Howard.
Brookhaven: Hannah Lowman.
Brookhaven Academy: Shelby Farmer, Alex Grant,Brandi Falvey.
Copiah Academy: Kim Bridges, CourtneyTraxler.
Enterprise: Erika Rutland, Ashley Greer, KatieHux.
Franklin County: Kristin Oglesby, CourtneyReid, Taylor Stewart.
Lawrence County: Rhianna Garrett, Kate Davis,Bridgee Williams.
Loyd Star: Annie Smith, Brittany Beeson, CarrieMoak.
McComb: Sabrina Phillips.
North Pike: Kayla Stockton, Hannah Roberts.
Parklane Academy: Maggie Jackson, KaitlynJohnson, Mallory Lampton.
Wesson: Stacey Lowery, Amanda Price, JessicaHaynes.
West Lincoln: Alexis Cook, Hannah Knouse, KaceySmith.