Chamber of commerce celebrates great year
Published 6:00 am Friday, November 17, 2006
Officials and guests recognized outstanding contributions to thecommunity and celebrated a successful year Thursday during the 74thAnnual Brookhaven-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce Banquet.
Among the night’s honors, B&O Machine and Welding was namedas the Industry of the Year. The business has been in the Minterfamily since 1979.
“The Minters have been excellent and outstanding members of ourcommunity,” said Bill Sones, chairman of the Industrial DevelopmentFoundation.
In accepting the award, James Minter thanked B&O’s 22employees. He also recalled that it was 10 years ago Thursday thatthe business was putting up the restored “Brookhaven – AHomeseekers Paradise” in downtown.
“I count myself fortunate to live and do business in LincolnCounty,” Minter said.
In other awards, Growin’ Green was named the Agri-Business ofthe Year. The landscaping business is owned by Jamie and FrancesGatlin and has 12 employees.
Pam Kirk was named Educator of the Year. Kirk, a veteran of 33years in education, teachers math and pre-algebra at AlexanderJunior High School.
Catherine Dickey again was honored as the chamber’s Ambassadorof the Year. She was also recognized with the Membership ChampionAward for recruiting the most new members to the chamber during thelast year.