Frances Taylor Laster

Published 6:00 am Friday, February 17, 2006

Funeral services for Frances Taylor Laster, of Duck Hill, areSaturday, Feb. 18 at 1 p.m. at Duck Hill Baptist Church. Burialwill be at Mt. Pisgah Cemetery.

Visitation is Saturday, beginning at 11 a.m., at the church.

Mrs. Laster, 82, died Feb. 16, 2006, at the Grenada Lake MedicalCenter following a stroke. She was born on Aug. 4, 1923, and wasthe daughter of Denson Taylor and Mattie Jones Taylor Raper. She isalso preceded in death by her husband of 42 years, HarrisLaster.

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Mrs. Laster was a long-time bookkeeper in Grenada beforeretiring in 1996. She also served as a Montgomery County ElectionCommissioner for six years and was a site manager for theMeals-on-Wheels program.

Mrs. Laster was a member of the Duck Hill Baptist Church, itsFaith Sunday School Class and WMU.

Survivors are her daughters, Nanette Laster, Melba Rodgers andhusband Thomas; her sons, Johnny Laster and wife Sara, RobertLaster and wife Susan, all of Duck Hill, and Larry Laster and wifeCarol of Senatobia.

Other survivors are a sister, Ruth Harbin, and husband, Joe, ofGrenada; three grandsons, six granddaughters, three great-grandsonsand two great-granddaughters.

Memorials may be made to Habitat For Humanity of LincolnCounty.

Oliver Funeral Home of Winona is in charge of arrangements.