Board buys land for expansion of town library
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, August 3, 2005
WESSON – The town library may soon see an expansion after themayor and Board of Aldermen approved the purchase of adjoining landTuesday.
The board voted to buy the 30-by-90-foot lot adjacent to thelibrary from Randle Drane for $10,000.
Board members plan to proceed with a much needed libraryexpansion.
“The library is just too small, and it provides a great serviceto the town,” said Mayor Alton Shaw.
The town also approved the purchase of a 2001 Ford CrownVictoria for the Police Department.
The vehicle, which has 30,000 miles, will be purchased from acompany in Arkansas that refurbishes police cars. It will come witha factory warranty as well as a one-year warranty from the Arkansascompany.
“It’s something we could definitely use because we have one carthat’s really wearing out,” Shaw said.
The cost of the vehicle is $11,250. Shaw said the town couldafford it because of increased sales tax intake and otherrevenue.
In other action,
* The board approved a feasibility study on whether the towncould and should have an annexation.
Shaw said hiring a firm to perform the study did not mean thetown would annex, but he said he would like to find out if it ispossible. The firm should begin the study in the next few weeks,said Shaw.
* Shaw announced that Saint Ambrose Leadership College hasreceived $1.2 million to start phase two of the renovation projectat the old Wesson School.
* The board made plans to hold a budget hearing at 7 p.m. onAug. 16.
* Shaw reported that an agreement with a collection agency fromFlorida has been going well.
Hiring the agency to collect on the approximately $180,000 inoutstanding fines will not cost the town anything.
“They charge a percentage above ours, and they keep thatpercentage. That’s how they make their money,” said Shaw.