Boys, Girls Club work may await more money

Published 5:00 am Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The Lincoln County Board of Supervisors is considering asuggestion from a county planner to postpone the renovation of thecounty’s Boys and Girls Club in hopes of securing additionalfunding.

The county has been awarded a $347,000 grant to renovate theexisting Boys and Girls Club building, which is badly in need of anew roof and major exterior and interior work.

“The facility over there is in pretty bad shape,” said WoodySample, a consultant with Sample and Associates. “That $347,000 maynot go as far as you would like it too.”

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Sample suggested the county use that federal money to match astate Community Development Block Grant, or CDBG. CDBG applicationsare usually due in the fall, Sample said, so the county would haveample time to draft a compelling application.

Sample’s recommendation was that the board seek an additional$300,000 through the state grant program.

The consultant admitted, however, that there were two drawbacksto his suggestion.

Most immediately telling, he said, was that if the county wereto seek the state grant they would have to hold onto the federalgrant funds until the CDBG was rejected or approved. That wouldmean a delay in beginning the renovation work of at least six toeight months.

Secondly, a government can only apply for one CDBG grant in thepublic facilities category per year, which means any other projectthe county may desire to pursue would have to wait until nextyear.

Sample said he did not expect the board to act immediately onhis suggestion and was only proposing it as an option.

The board discussed the proposal briefly but took no action.