2 candidates certified; one disqualified

Published 6:00 am Friday, April 1, 2005

One candidate was disqualified and another certified Thursday asMonticello election commissioners resolved residency questionsabout the candidates to complete their certification for themunicipal election June 7.

Prospective Ward One candidate Amos Bridges was disqualified byElection Commissioners James Hill, Marsha Penny and JeanMcElroy.

“They said he did not meet the residential requirements,” saidDebbie Lea, deputy city clerk.

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Incumbent Ward One Alderman Jerry Goode was certified Thursdayafter providing 10 affidavits verifying his residency within theward.

Hill, chairman of the election commission, said he was unable toattend Thursday’s meeting but said the commission had somequestions about where Goode and Bridges actually lived. Residencywas not an issue with other candidates, he said.

“As we begin to certify, we look at each candidate (fordiscrepancies),” Hill said. “We asked both of them to supplyverification of their residency.”

Goode said he was disappointed the commission felt it neededproof of his residency.

“I have no problem with due process, but after eight years as analderman at the same residence, it shouldn’t have been necessary,”he said.

His decision to seek a third term was made at the 11th hour, hesaid, and he completed his paperwork on the day of the deadline.His decision to seek re-election was based partly on the residencycomplaint.

“My intention was to withdraw when I found out (so many otheraldermen) weren’t going to run, but I wasn’t going to go out withthose questions unanswered,” Goode said. “Now I probably will stayin the race.”

The alderman said his intention to withdraw was based onincreasing business demands but said he had weathered both jobs tothis point and could handle the pressure for another fouryears.

Ward Three challenger Greg Sutton was certified Monday. Sutton’scertification was delayed by a technical problem, Hill said.

When Sutton submitted his qualifying papers, the commissionfound he didn’t meet the required number of signatures because someof his signatures were not believed to be registered voters. Asecond review of registered voters found the names.

“There were some names on his papers that they had overlooked orsomething at the county (when verifying they were registeredvoters),” Hill said. “He brought those same names back after theywere certified.”

The three candidates certified this week turned in theirqualifying papers only hours before the March 4 deadlineexpired.

Before Goode turned in his papers, Mayor David Nichols and WardTwo Alderman Steve Moreman were the only incumbents seekingre-election.

Goode is the only incumbent being challenged in his re-electionbid. He is opposed by Robert Collier.

Sutton’s is facing James Wilson for the Ward Three seat.

Decisions by Ward Three Alderman George Magee, Ward FourAlderman Dick Reeves and Ward Five Alderman Pete Mathews not toseek re-election mean half the town leadership will change inJune.

Monticello holds nonpartisan elections. Absentee voting willbegin April 25 and end at noon on June 4.