Charles Clinton Moak
Published 5:00 am Thursday, October 7, 2004
Services for Charles Clinton Moak of Summit are 3 p.m. today,Oct. 7, at Johnston Chapel United Methodist Church in Summit withburial in the church cemetery. Hartman Funeral Home of McComb is incharge of arrangements.
The Revs. Joe Lawson, Glenn Martin and Bill Poole will officiateservices.
Visitation is today from 1-3 p.m. at the church.
Mr. Moak, 70, died Oct. 4, 2004, at Parkland Health Center inFarmington, Mo. He was born in Lincoln County on April 16, 1934, toRoy and Minnie Rea Moak.
He was a construction foreman for Entex. He was a member ofJohnston Chapel U.M.C. Men’s Club, the Summit Masonic Lodge, NorthPike Water Association, and the Lakeview Golf Association. He was amember of Johnston Chapel U.M.C.
Preceding him in death were his parents; his sister, Glenda FayeCaston; and his parent-in-laws, Robert and Callie Albritton.
Survivors are his wife, June Albritton Moak of Summit; hisdaughters, Jackie Moak of LaPlace, La., Jeanie Kincaid and herhusband, David, of Summit, and Jennifer Moak of Long Beach; hisbrother-in-law, Wayne Caston of Fernwood; his sister-in-law, JoyAlbritton Yawn of Acworth, Ga.; five grandchildren, MargeauxThurman and her husband, Al, of Farmington, Brooke Johnston and herhusband, Ladd, of Summit, Megan Allred of Diamond Beach, KatherineAllred of Long Beach, and Drew Kincaid of Summit; and two greatgrandchildren, Sydney and Brody Thurman of Farmington.
Pallbearers will be Charles Yawn, Bobby Yawn, Chris Yawn, AlThurman, Ladd Johnston, Drew Kincaid, Lane Stewart and JeffCross.
Honorary pallbearers will be members of Lakeview GolfAssociation.
Memorials may be made to Johnston Chapel U.M.C.