Business taking utility payments

Published 6:00 am Friday, February 13, 2004

A Brookhaven check-cashing service, which serves as a paymentagent for several area utility companies, is working towardresuming “business as usual” following a change in ownership.

“We’re in the process of it,” said Debra Stewart, manager of AAAChecks on Brookway Boulevard. “It was a change in ownership here,and contracts are having to be renewed.”

The service announced last week that it would stop acceptingpayments for Entergy, Southwest Mississippi Electric PowerAssociation, BellSouth and others. However, those plans changedquickly shortly after the announcement was made.

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“We resumed taking them for Southwest right after lunch today,and we never stopped taking them for Entergy,” Stewart saidThursday afternoon.

Stewart was awaiting word Thursday on the status of a paymentagent contract with BellSouth. She was hopeful the contract issuewould be settled soon.

“That’s the only one we’re not actively taking now,” Stewartsaid.

The service also uses the BellSouth software to take paymentsfor a long list of other businesses, from some Direct TV to somedepartment stores. Those were expected to resume once the telephonecompany contract has been renegotiated.

With the corporate ownership change, the service will change itsname to AAA Quick Cash. Steward said the service plans to come back”bigger and better than before.”

“We’re going to operate the same way we always have,” Stewartsaid. “We just had a little down time.”