Poinsett resigns at Co-Lin
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, November 18, 2003
WESSON – After two years at the helm of the Copiah-LincolnCommunity College football team, head coach David Poinsett hasstepped down. Poinsett resigned from the spot Thursday, citingpersonal reasons as the main issue.
“It was a matter in which I felt like it was my time to leave,”said Poinsett. “I’ve shared a lot of feelings over the years here,from joy to disappointment.”
Poinsett’s resignation is the third in four years at Co-Lin. TheWolves finished the season 2-7 and last year went 3-6. Overwhelmingissues, plus Co-Lin’s poor district talent pool were some of thefactors that disabled Poinsett and kept Co-Lin from having awinning season.
Poinsett replaced Dave Cross who resigned prior to the 2002season to enter private business. Poinsett had served as offensiveline coach under Cross for one year. Cross replaced Phil Broome whoserved 5 years as head coach.
“We, as a team and staff, gave it our best shot,” addedPoinsett. “We played good, fundamentally sound football at timesduring the past two seasons. We played with what we were dealt, andthen we sorted out the good apples from the bad.”
During Poinsett’s two years at Co-Lin, he helped the Wolvesbecome a program on the rise. Under his direction the Wolves becamethe number one community college in Mississippi to have playersgraduate in a year and a half. Currently five Co-Lin players are onschedule to graduate early.
“I will continue to work for this institution, until my contractis up in June,” continued Poinsett. “From now to then, myconcentration will be on my family and on helping my 16 sophomoreplayers out the best I can.”
Six of Co-Lin’s 16 sophomores will have the opportunity to signDivision One scholarships during the next few months. Others couldsign Division Two or Three pacts.
“These 16 sophomores have been with me through thick and thin,”added Poinsett. “I owe it to them, to make sure they go on to dowell.”
Co-Lin sophomores Tim Dobbins, Dusty Shack, and James Dampeerwill be participating in the upcoming Mississippi Community/JuniorCollege All-Star Game at Northeast Mississippi Community College inBooneville, Miss., in early December. Dampeer and sophomoredefensive back Howard Overby were the lone Co-Lin players to makefirst team MACJC All-State this season.
“I’m proud of the players that stayed with me, and the studentsI have taught,” said Poinsett. “I’ve made some really good friendshere over the years.”
A native of South Carolina, Poinsett will oversee the Wolves’football duties until June 1, as well as teach World Civilizationat the college.
“I wish for the best with this program,” added Poinsett. “I’vedone what I could here and only God can judge me for trying to makethis a clean and superior program over the last two years on thefield and off.”
Poinsett, 37, said he strived to make good citizens and studentsout of his players. He and his wife, Tonya, have a 1-year-olddaughter, Michelle.
Serving on Poinsett’s staff are Lauren Collins, Paul Purvis andCalvin Green.
Co-Lin will begin accepting applications to fill Poinsett’sposition, starting Monday.