Man injured in explosion

Published 5:00 am Wednesday, September 5, 2001

MONTICELLO — A Lawrence County man was being transferred to theGreenville Burn Center after sustaining extensive injuries during acamper trailer explosion this morning, officials said.

James Channell, age unavailable, was burned when his camper at241 Tommy Jolly Dr. exploded, said Capt. Hugh Summers of theMonticello Fire Department. Channell was the only person injured,Summers said.

The explosion happened around 8:23 a.m. Wednesday and is stillunder investigation, Summers said. The captain said the trailer’sdoor was blown off, and its sides were also damaged.

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“It opened one side of the trailer up completely,” Summerssaid.

Summers said ambulance personnel described Channell’s injuriesas “extensive burns.” Channell was being stabilized at LawrenceCounty Hospital before his transfer to Greenville, an emergencyroom spokesperson said.