Overdose leads to crystal meth busts

Published 5:00 am Monday, June 11, 2001

COPIAH COUNTY — An overdose of crystal methamphetamine Fridaymorning led to the discovery of two crystal meth labs in the areathat night, said authorities.

Copiah County Sheriff’s Deputies, assisted by SouthwestMississippi Narcotics Task Force agents, busted a lab in CrystalSprings and one at a Wesson trailer park after a unidentified womansuffered an overdose, according to Deputy Sheriff Troy Davis.

“This originated from a person being brought to the Hardy WilsonHospital on an overdose around 4:30 a.m.,” said Davis.

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Authorities were called to investigate and discovered theoverdose had occurred at 1048 Bennett Road in Crystal Springs.

“We went to that first location, got consent to search and founda large amount of crystal meth,” said Davis, adding that itappeared the drugs had been manufactured at that location.

Robert Dean Odom, 25, of that residence, was arrested andcharged with manufacturing crystal meth and possession of crystalmeth with intent to distribute, Davis said.

During the search of Odom’s residence, authorities discoveredinformation about another lab at the David Britt Trailer Park offSylvarena Road in Wesson.

“It worked out rather well,” said Davis. “We went to thatlocation and found crystal meth and a whole bunch of the chemicalsused to make it.”

Authorities had to proceed with caution as they search the houseand seized the highly explosive materials during the rain-fillednight.

“Some of the chemicals will actually explode if they get wet, sowe had to have fire trucks on standby,” said Davis. “There wereenough chemicals in there to blow up that trailer and probablylevel two or three more.”

Albert Weeks IV , 27, of David Britt Trailer Park Lot 29,Wesson, was arrested and also charged with manufacturing crystalmeth and possession of crystal meth with intent to distribute.

Odom and Weeks are being held in the Copiah County Jail. Bondhas not been set yet.

The crystal meth labs are just two examples of the significantincrease of similar labs across the state, Davis said, pointing outthat the sheriff’s department has discovered several since June1999.