Ward 4 voters should weigh choices carefully
Published 5:00 am Monday, April 2, 2001
If you haven’t registered to vote in the May 1 party primariesfor this year’s city elections, it’s now too late. Saturday was thevoter registration deadline for the first primary.
If you are registered, now is a good time to start consideringyour candidate choices and voting plans. Eleven offices are up forgrabs among a wide field of 37 candidates.
But before they cast the first vote for a candidate, Ward 4voters must decide the party primary, Democrat or Republican, inwhich they will participate.
With three candidates seeking the alderman seat there, Ward 4 isthe only ward that will have both a Democrat and Republicanprimary. Republican alderman candidates in other wards areunopposed, therefore no party primaries will be needed.
Voting in the Republican primary will basically limit Ward 4voters to making their choice for alderman. By voting in theDemocratic primary, they would get to vote for mayor, alderman atlarge and other city-wide races.
With the current closed primary system in our state, it isimportant to note there will be no “crossover” voting. That meansRepublican first primary voters will not be able to vote in anyDemocratic runoffs and vice versa.
As we’ve said before, an open primary system, with allcandidates listed together, would be a preferred option. But untilwe see that on the horizon, voters like those in Ward 4 will haveto decide between their ward interests or those affecting outcomeson a city-wide scale.
All voters, especially those in Ward 4, should weigh theirchoices carefully.