Youngster to benefit from ‘lucky’ mother
Published 6:00 am Thursday, November 16, 2000
A mom will be able to buy a few more gifts for her only child’sfirst Christmas after winning $200 in Hometown Bucks recently.
A mom will be able to buy a few more gifts for her only child’sfirst Christmas after winning $200 in Hometown Bucks recently.
Cindy Townsend of Brookhaven was ecstatic when she found out shehad become the third winner in the DAILY LEADER’S HometownChristmas promotion.
“I was shocked. I couldn’t believe I had won,” saidTownsend.
She knew immediately that the extra spending money would be usedfor Christmas gifts for her 10-month-old daughter, AllieClaire.
“I’m sure my baby will get it all,” said Townsend. “She’s myfirst baby, and I’ve been married for 14 years. She’s a miraclebaby.”
Townsend does plan, however, to give some Hometown Bucks to hermother, Dorothy Bowman, who encouraged her to register last weekduring an invitation-only open house at T.H. Perkins FurnitureCompany.
“I’m going to give some of it to my mom, and I’m sure she’ll endup spending it on Allie, too,” she said of her mother’s firstgrandchild.
Hometown Bucks can be spent at any of the participatingmerchants:
* Bank of Brookhaven
* Beyond the Rainbow
* Brookhaven Music and Sound
* Brookwood Gifts and Antiques
* Lofton’s Sporting Goods
* Millane’s
* Rushing Boots and Shoe Shop
* Shipp’s Florist
* Susan’s Shoppe
* T.H. Perkins Furniture Company
* Trustmark National Bank
* Walls Lumber and Supply Company
The 10th Annual Hometown Christmas is an effort of the DAILYLEADER and area merchants to encourage shoppers to buy locally tobenefit the community.
Shoppers may register at any of the participating merchants forthe weekly drawings by using the special entry forms and boxes ondisplay at any of the participating businesses. Shoppers may enteras many times as they would like.
There will be four more drawings for $200 in Hometown Bucks eachFriday, with a grand prize drawing for $600 in Hometown Bucks onFriday, December 15.
Employees of the DAILY LEADER are not eligible to win. Employeesof participating merchants may not register at their respectivebusiness, but they may register at any of the other participatingbusinesses.