Lampton ‘wears two hats’in speech to Lions Club

Published 5:00 am Wednesday, October 11, 2000

District Attorney Dunn Lampton pushed for tougher sentences incases involving children killed for insurance purposes whilecongressional candidate Lampton touted Republican ideals Tuesdayduring a speech to the Brookhaven Lions Club.

Lampton, Lincoln County’s district attorney since 1981, saidstate law currently does not allow for the death penalty in caseswhere children with large insurance policies, over $200,000, aremurdered.

“That law needs to be changed. It needs to be amended,” Lamptonsaid.

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Lampton mentioned two cases in recent history, one involving afamily murdered in Summit and another where a child drowned in LakeTangipahoa, in support of the stiffer penalty. Both cases, hebelieved, deserved the death penalty.

However, in both, Lampton said he had to reach to linkcommission of another crime to the killings, which would make themurders a capital offense and eligible for the death penalty. Hewas successful in getting the death penalty in one case andunsuccessful in the other.

Lampton also mentioned some statistics in support of hiscause.

In 1997, 900 children were murdered in the United States and 300of them had large insurance policies. The national average forchildren with large policies is only 3.5 percent, Lampton said.

“A child is 10 times more likely to be murdered if they have alarge insurance policy,” Lampton said, adding that he is preparinginformation for state legislature so a law change could beconsidered.

Lampton, who is facing incumbent 4th District U.S. Rep. RonnieShows in the Nov. 7 general election, took the chance to hail theGOP’s and presidential hopeful George W. Bush’s positions onnational issues. They included shoring up Social Security,immediate prescription drug care help for seniors, choice andaccountability in education and bolstering national defense.

The district attorney also stated his support of pro-life andpro gun ownership issues. Shows has also come out in support ofthose issues, but Lampton questioned the incumbent’s effectivenesswhen the Democratic national party is against them.

“It is not trite to say if guns are outlawed, only outlaws willhave guns,” Lampton said. “That is an absolute truth.”

Shows is scheduled to be the featured speaker at the Lions Clubon Oct. 24.